Creativity runs through everyone’s veins. But where to deploy all that creativity differs. Since World Creativity and Innovation Day was marked on 21 st April, why not take out some time to reminiscence the creative foods that we are blessed with. Well being a foodie, here are a few dishes which I think are amazing and creative.
1. Tandoori mo:mo

You read that right. It’s a Tandoori mo:mo. And guess what? It’s a purely vegetarian dish. If people are asked what do they remember when they hear the word Tandoori, the immediate response would be chicken. Well, but not anymore, we have pure vegetarian Tandoori mo:mo from pure vegetarian restaurant Sajan Goth.
Salute to the creator.
2. Calzone Pizza
What did you just picture in the head when you read Pizza? A round base topped with cheese, varieties of fillings, olives and what not. A typical pizza, right? But time to change your imagination! This calzone pizza is folded pizza. Fillings are there, obviously. But filled inside. We Nepalese do have a dish called “Goje Roti”. This pizza is much like that but unlike Masala, it has pure pizza fillings. Mind blown? You can always order from Alchemy Pizzeria
3. Theme cakes
When in school, we were taught to draw a round cake with a cylindrical body, and cherries on top. A typical cake. Well, that is quite an outdated concept now. Theme cakes have taken over, you can have fondant cake with any décor, edible digital picture printed on it, and more. For any occasion, in any theme, you can get a personalized cake for your loved ones. There are multiple bakeries offering themed cakes: UG cakes, Mandala Bakery, Sara Bakery, Crumbs Bakery – all on your service.
4. Doughnuts
A few years ago, when I wanted doughnuts, the options available were either plain doughnuts or whipped cream filled doughnuts. Now, you have so many options to choose from. Salted caramel and banana doughnuts, triple chocolate filled donut, Crème Brulee filled donuts, Nutella doughnuts, Classic glazed. Woooh! That is a hell lot of varieties that many of us would have imagined. These varieties are available at The Workshop Eatery.
5. MoBurger
Mo:mo or Burger or combination of both? Classic mo:mo presents you this yummy MoBurger which is basically a burger with Momo. Who would have thought there could be MoBurger? Not only MoBurger they have MoPizza as well. Well, what is innovative, if this is not?
Amazed by the creativity? You can order them through Foodmandu app, and enjoy these delicacies at your own comfort zone. Just Think, Tap and Eat.